Bespoke Botanical Facials


    $50 | 30 Minutes

    This introduction to your skincare journey will include a 30 minute video call to assess your current skin care needs and determine a customized skincare plan. All skincare products are purchased separately and are available for shipping.


    $75 | 45 minutes

    A “lunchtime facial” that is customized to your skin concerns. Each treatment will include a cleanse, light exfoliation, custom botanical mask, and professional finishing products.

    Note: Extractions are not included with the Express Facial.


    $100 | 60 minutes - Series of 3 | $275

    $150 | 90 Minutes - Series of 3 | $400

    This relaxing treatment includes professional grade skincare products customized to your skin concerns. Each facial includes double cleansing, exfoliation, extractions, custom botanical mask, face/shoulder/neck massage, and enhancing finishing products for maximum results. See enhancements for an upgraded experience.

    For Gentlemen: Shaving is not required prior to this service. This can be done with or without facial hair.

Where our products come from and what we put in and on our bodies matters. That is why Ainsley’s Apothecary is partnered with Botnia Skincare - creating a truly customized facial experience. Every ingredient that is used in the treatment room is carefully chosen to illuminate your natural beauty by harnessing the nourishing power of plants.


  • Use of any Retinol or Vitamin A products must be stopped 3-5 days before and after your facial service

  • Facial waxing should not be done within 3 days before or after your service

  • Laser Hair Removal should not be done on treated areas within 2 weeks - before or after your service

  • If you are experiencing an active cold sore or open wound on the skin being treated, please reschedule your appointment. It is not recommended to treat during this time and you may be turned away for service.